How to go from, “Boy, your cookies are great,” to selling them? That’s where food-biz veterans Esther Luongo Psarakis and Domenick Celentano come in. Their interactive online workshop series teaches food entrepreneurs the basics of production, distribution, pricing, packaging, marketing, the quirks of the food business—and helps them refine their vision. “We vet your idea using the A.D.T.V. model,” says Psarakis. “Is it Attractive, Durable, Timely, and does it add Value?” The course costs $300, and runs eight weeks starting September 13. But their realistic approach means Foodpreneur isn’t meant to make business owners out of each and every one of their students. “If you walk away and decide not to go into business because of what you learned, we’re still successful,” says Celentano. “We just saved you a bunch of money.” (973-433-6630,