Serves: 4
For the Bacalao
2 lbs. fresh cod
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 oz. chives, cut small
1 oz. thyme leaves, pulled
1 cup kosher salt
Place cod on a cookie-sheet.
Sprinkle with garlic and herbs.
Cover the whole fish with salt, a little bit on bottom and little bit on top.
Wrap with plastic wrap and let cure for 4 days in refrigerator.
For the Yogurt
1/2 cup plain yogurt
2 Tbs rice vinegar
Mix ingredients together an store in refrigerator until needed.
For the Topping
¼ cup pine nuts
8 dried apricots
Extra virgin olive oil
Toast pine nuts just before ready to serve.
Cut apricots into thin slices.
To Serve
Brush off salt and herbs from the cod.
Pat dry with towel.
Slice into thin slices.
Place one tablespoon of yogurt on plate.
Top with 4-6 slices of Bacalao.
Sprinkle with apricot and pine nuts.
Drizzle with oliv eoil.