“OH MY GOD!” and “Excuuuuse Me”

Good thing blogging involves typing, not talking, because my voice is gone due to excessive screaming and shouting during and after the Giants' amazing, take-it-to-em Super Bowl win tonight.

Two quick post-game notes....

Montclair’s Michael Strahan on the victory stand giving props to wide receiver David Tyree, one of the stars of the game and the pride of Montclair High School football. As Strahan told the TV reporter, "David Tyree, baby. That’s all you have to say. David Tyree!"

But Earth to Steve Tisch. Accepting the Lombardi Trophy, the co-owner talks about winning one for the city of New York, but doesn’t say a word about the state where his stadium is located and where a huge portion of the incredibly loyal Big Blue fan base resides. Score that an unrecovered fumble.

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