16 Sweet Dating Tips

Relationship experts JoAnn Ward and son, Steve, offer the following tips to keep your dating life on the right track

1. Communication and being honest with each other are the most important factors to dating, JoAnn says.

2. On a first date, keep it simple and go out for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Less can be more.

3. “Be fun. Don’t talk deeply about family or politics,” JoAnn says. And never be negative. “Talk about how you’re looking forward to the summer,” she adds—or something equally positive.

4. Don’t talk about money at first. It’s a “double-edged sword” because you’re either bragging or showing you’re broke, Steve says.

5. On a first date, if the man wants to split the bill, it’s an indication he’s probably not all that interested.

6. If it’s a big meal and the man pays, the woman can offer to pay for the tip. If the couple has been dating for a while, but the woman wants to make a special gesture, she can grab the waiter and pay for the meal without her boyfriend knowing.

7. Smile! If you’re positive, the other person will be too.

8. If it’s a blind date and the other person is not necessarily your type, try to find at least four things about him or her (nice laugh, nice smile) that you do find attractive.

9. Try to be complimentary at least once or twice, but “don’t lie,” JoAnn says. For example, say, “That’s a nice watch,” or, “That sweater looks good on you.” This can also act as an icebreaker.

10. Always ask questions about the other person.

11. Don’t talk about past relationships at first.

12. Focus on entertaining the other person and making a memory.

13. Go shopping together. “As crazy as it sounds, it’s great how much you can learn from someone shopping,” JoAnn says. “You can learn their tastes without asking.”

14. Likewise, physical dates, such as rollerblading, bike riding or jet skiing can reveal the other person’s athletic ability.

15. Avoid doing the same old thing all the time.

16. Be creative. For example, if you go to a cooking class, purchase the ingredients at the market and create a special meal together.

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