New Books from Garden State Authors

Here is a look at some interesting new works by local writers.

With two little ones of her own, Vicki Glembocki unleashes a brutally honest untold tale of motherhood in the Second Nine Months. “It’s the most disruptive change you can make,” says the author. With frank humor, Glembocki’s personal memoir discusses the realization of and disparity between who she was and who she has become as a mother.

Kim Levin, author of Why We Love Dogs and Cattitude, is at it again with her latest book, PhoDOGraphy. Levin’s camera captures the souls of her canine subjects; with this how-to guide, readers are given insight into what goes on behind the lens. Levin covers important basic aspects of composition, indoor versus outdoor lighting, and portraiture. Special sections include how to photograph man’s best friend on the move, and how to photograph darker-coated dogs in various settings.

In hopes of instilling in young people an appreciation and respect for New Jersey’s salt marshes, Doug Wechsler uncovers their delicate ecology in his latest book for young readers, Marvels in the Muck: Life in the Salt Marshes. An author and wildlife photographer who has written more than twenty nature books, Wechsler focuses on the turtles, crabs, fish, and grasses of Jersey’s salt marshes with interesting facts and keen photography.

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