Live and Local in Camden County

Mark your calendars: the Camden County concert series is starting up for the summer – meaning free entertainment for you.

The concert series, which won a “Best of Jersey” from this magazine in 2008, opens up Camden County’s parks and outdoor stages to local and live musicians. No, you don’t have to be from Camden County to attend. You just have to drive there, find a seat, or sit out your chair or on a blanket and listen in.

What will you find? Everything from string bands to jazz artists to singer-song writers. And on July 4th, the county sponsors a fireworks and concert show at Cooper River Park.

Most of the events, including that Fourth of July show, are free. Click here for a run down of everything going on.

Note if you’re a runner: you’ll see a list of races coming this summer to Camden County Parks, too. They’re not free, but the “No Frills” series, sponsored by the South Jersey Athletic Club at Cooper River Park, are cheap: $5 for non-members, and $3 for members (free to full time students). If you’re only going to do one of the races, which all take place on Tuesday nights, go for the “Prediction Race,” where you guess how fast you’ll run the 3.65 mile loop.

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