On a recent visit, I checked out a product installed at the Sheeleighs’ called a Solatube Daylighting System. It is energy efficient, cost effective, and just plain cool.
The cutting-edge technology “captures” the sunlight from your roof, directing it downward through a reflective tube equipped with a diffuser that expansively and evenly spreads the light. The tubing can be tunneled down through several floors to create a natural light source at any level of a home—windowless basements, closets, etc.
“Picture a skylight, but the roof is two, maybe three, floors away. As the light comes down it gets focused, so much so that by the time it actually gets to the space it will illuminate the room—and the illumination—is considerable,” explains builder Greg Porraro.
A low-profile dome is all that can be seen of the Solatube from the roof. The fixture even blocks UV rays and on some models a dimming feature is available. A light kit can be added to allow nighttime illumination.
This product seems to cover all the bases and best of all, after installation, it is a virtually free light source.