The Squeamishness Lingers

Back in October, Eastampton-based humor writer Gregg Podolski wrote a column entitled “McGreevey Book: Let’s Get Past Squeamishness,” which appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer. The premise: “Haven’t we matured to the point where we can see two boys kissing and not throw rocks like we’re back in third-grade recess?”

Back in October, Eastampton-based humor writer Gregg Podolski wrote a column entitled “McGreevey Book: Let’s Get Past Squeamishness,” which appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer. The premise: “Haven’t we matured to the point where we can see two boys kissing and not throw rocks like we’re back in third-grade recess?”

Within a minute of posting the column on his website,, Podolski says he received an angry 1,000-word letter from a woman who he describes as “very pro-traditional-family.”

“She just—she really let me have it. So I wrote back and thanked her for making me feel like a writer and not just a guy who does humor.” Some readers objected to the phrase “I like to form my own thoughts and opinions, so I’ve never been very religious,” while others took issue with “As a straight guy, I find the whole gay lifestyle pretty revolting, but I also think it’s gross to eat a jar full of earthworms while standing in raw sewage. However I don’t go down to Fox and protest Fear Factor. I change the channel.”

Stay tuned for more. Steve Tatz, a host at WVLT FM, serving Cumberland and Gloucester counties, has invited Podolski on his talk show, “Get Over It,” on January 8 at 7 P.M.

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