Photo courtesy of River Belle
The waters of the Manasquan River glow orange as the River Belle, a replica of a Mississippi riverboat, heads into the sunset, propelled by its massive paddle wheel. Passengers crowd the foredeck to take in the spectacle. Later, the River Belle will loop back toward the beaches for a view of the fireworks over Jenkinson’s Boardwalk.
The River Belle departs daily from its dock in Point Pleasant Beach for various themed cruises. Its sister boat, the River Queen, is docked in Brielle and is more often used for private events; both are available for charter.
The boats travel at a leisurely pace, giving riders ample time to enjoy the calm inland waters. Both have two air-conditioned indoor levels with open bars. River Belle Cruises offers a variety of outings throughout the summer. By day, there’s the Sunday Brunch Cruise (11:30 am and 1 pm); the Buffet Luncheon Cruise (Wednesdays at noon and 2 pm); and a 90-minute Sightseeing Cruise (daily starting July 5). Evening excursions are the Starlight Dinner Buffet Cruise (Saturdays starting July 14) and the Pizza and Fireworks Cruise described above (Thursdays starting July 19). Both boats have a special July 4 fireworks cruise, and River Belle stages a Murder Mystery Cruise August 25 and October 27.
Tickets can be purchased in advance by mail or at the office in Brielle. Checks or cash only.
River Belle, 47 Broadway, Point Pleasant Beach; 732-892-3377