Judge Issues Summons To Investigate Christie’s Bridgegate Knowledge

The Bergen County prosecutor’s office will make the final decision of whether to charge the governor.

Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty

Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty

A Bergen County judge has signed a criminal summons for Governor Chris Christie after finding probable cause of his involvement in the George Washington Bridge lane-closing scandal.

According to multiple reports, activist Bill Brennan filed the complaint of official misconduct in the second degree this past September.

“Brennan said he filed the complaint in part because the fallout of the 2013 lane closures cost taxpayers millions of dollars,” according to NBC 4 New York. “Brennan said his criminal complaint was over an accusation at trial by David Wildstein, the star witness for the prosecution, that the governor knew by midweek that the lane shutdowns were intended as political retaliation.” The lane closures began on Monday, September 9, 2013. The lanes were re-opened that Friday.

Municipal judge Roy F. McGready issued the ruling in municipal court in Bergen County this morning—the complaint can be viewed here. According to NBC 4 New York, the Bergen County prosecutor’s office will make the final decision of whether to charge Christie.

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