Author: Amanda Staab
A Haunting Encounter: When Ghosts Berate The Unsuspecting
September 12, 2012
I am still not sure what happened in the ladies’ room that night.
Seen in: Jersey Living
In The Mood for Jazz: A Music Festival Heats Up Newark
September 10, 2012
The inaugural James Moody Democracy of Jazz Festival will take place at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center.
Seen in: Jersey Living
Beers on the Pier
August 20, 2012
Pier 13’s beer truck serves beer, wine and cocktails from a location more reminiscent of a state fair than its waterfront setting. With Manhattan as a backdrop, the truck is parked between a boathouse and a stretch of grass, where patrons stretch out on striped canvas chairs and rest their cold ones on multicolored traps traditionally used for catching crustaceans. (For a bite to go with the drink, food trucks park on the other side of the boathouse.)
Seen in: From the Editors
The Gift of Learning: Katie Meyler’s Foundation
August 13, 2012
Katie Meyler started the More Than Me Foundation to help girls in Liberia attend school.
Seen in: Giving Back, Jersey Celebrities, Jersey Living
Christie’s ceiling on superintendent salaries pushes some administrators across state borders.
Seen in: Politics & Public Affairs, Towns & Schools
British actress Janet Montgomery plays an ambitious, if rough-around-the-edges, lawyer in a new CBS Fall television series.
Seen in: Jersey Living
Better The Second Time Around
July 23, 2012
Having grown up in New Jersey, a state that’s home to immigrants from just about everywhere in the world, it was no surprise when I married outside my race and culture. In effect, I have been Indian by marriage for almost five years, and with that comes certain obligations, like, when you live in New Jersey, shopping in Edison.
Seen in: From the Editors
McDonagh’s Pub
September 4, 2011
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That Fondue Place
July 3, 2011
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