Find a Select Surgeon - Plastic Surgery

Changing your physical appearance, whether for medical or cosmetic reasons, can change your life as well. When undergoing such a transformation, it’s critical to work with the most highly skilled surgeons.

New Jersey Monthly is proud to announce the 2024 edition of the Select Surgeons Plastic Surgeons list, an elite grouping of the state’s top doctors performing plastic surgery across 26 procedure categories. This distinction is based on a number of criteria, including experience, qualifications, surgical results, and reputation. Only the top doctors in each category are named to the Select Surgeons Plastic Surgeons list.

The list is based on a 360-degree analysis of potential surgeons, incorporating as much relevant objective information as possible. The selection process targets the top surgeons for 26 different procedures so patients can find the most appropriate surgeon for their needs.  View our methodology here.

Scott A. Spiro, MD, FACS

  • Specialties: Abdominoplasty, Body Lift, Breast Augmentation, Breast Reconstruction (Implant), Breast Reduction/Breast Lift, Liposuction (Body)

About Dr. Scott A. Spiro

I have been interested in art and surgery my entire life. The blending of the two, and the ability to take art to its highest level as “living art” done through surgery, is why I am a plastic surgeon. In fact, I look at plastic surgery as a performance art and take great pride in planning and performing high-level surgery and delivering top-quality outcomes.


I am now in practice for more than 27 years and specialize in procedures of the breast, body, and face. I have developed a national and international reputation for “mommy makeover” procedures, breast and body contouring, cosmetic and revision breast surgery, and multi-plane SMAS composite face and neck lift, which combines cervicoplasty, platysmaplasty, and fat grafting. Eyelid surgery, breast augmentation, breast lift, non-implant augmentation, breast reduction, tummy tucks, and “en bloc” explantation are each important parts of my practice.


I am most proud of the many thousands of patients for whom I have been able to help improve their lives and bring happiness. My staff and I sincerely want to make their time with us a positive, memorable, and life-improving experience. Together, we painstakingly review all patient histories, perform thorough problem-focused exams, and develop and perform all surgeries with patient safety as a key component.


My favorite parts of the job are seeing patients enjoy their outcomes, being part of their journey, and ultimately receiving heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for my efforts.


I previously blended my love of art and surgery by creating a mural of human anatomy that was prominently displayed at Art Basel 2018 in Miami for over one year.