Event Submission Guidelines:
- Event descriptions must be written in full sentences. No capital letters. Type it exactly how you want it to appear on the website.
- A 300-word description is recommended, but not required for publication. Do not submit the same event multiple times.
- Event listings expire after the date has passed. If you want to retain a listing for your records, please take a screenshot before the post expires.
- All submissions are reviewed by our editorial assistants before they appear on our web calendar. This typically takes up to 1 week. If your event is not posted within 7 business days, email [email protected].
- Do not submit: Events taking place outside of New Jersey, retail sales events, or events closed to the general public.
- Submit restaurant openings and closings to Jacqueline Mroz.
Email press releases to [email protected] if you want your event to be considered for use in the monthly print publication. Our print deadlines are three months in advance.