For some, the thought of reacting in an emergency situation is overwhelming. For volunteer EMT Tyler Treible, it’s second nature. During his paramedic ride-along, the final step after about 210 hours of training to become a certified EMT, Treible assisted on a call involving a man whose arm was accidentally cut off by a chainsaw. The incident was shocking, but Treible, who turns 20 this month, was undeterred. He has been volunteering with the Rockaway Township Fire Department, Company 5, for about two years. “After the call,” says Treible, “once you have time to process everything…it kind of hits you. But you can’t let it affect the next person you need to help.”
Often picking up more than the required one to two weekly 11-hour shifts and responding to calls when he is off duty, Treible has dealt with a variety of situations, from potential drownings and car accidents to strokes and overdoses. “Tyler provides compassion, warmth and gentleness that is rare for a young man,” says Ronald Regen, his EMS partner. “He has a calming effect while providing the patient with outstanding first-aid care.”
Treible’s passion for helping others does not end when his shift is over. Ever alert, he even backs in at parking lots so he is prepared to leave quickly in the event of an emergency.
Named the 2015 EMT of the year for the Rockaway Township Fire Department South Duty Crew, Treible often receives thanks from community members. “You’re coming at possibly one of the worst times in their lives to help them,” says Treible. “It just makes you feel good knowing that you can make a difference in someone’s life even if it’s just holding their hand on the way to the hospital.”
A full-time criminal-justice student at County College of Morris, Treible also works as a loss-prevention officer at two local Marriott hotels and as a paid EMT for Camp White Meadow in Rockaway. He hopes his work as an EMT will be a stepping stone for a career in law enforcement. “You just view everything differently,” he says. “It always makes you think, If this happened now, what would I do?”