Consummate queen of cuisine Julia Child once declared, “I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.”
Those words are divine inspiration for those among us who desperately seek to escape the quagmire of microwavable entrees and take-out chow. So, crack open those cookbooks, sharpen your paring knives, and take your turbotière for a test drive. If you’re adept in an apron, you can aspire to offer up restaurant-quality fare. And if the only thing you know how to cook is toast—well, it’s never too late.
As we learned in the classic film, Julie & Julia (starring Bernardsville native Meryl Streep), anything is possible when you open your mind—and your refrigerator.
Whet Your Appetite With Cooking Classes
Whether you focus on cooking basics or more advanced techniques, just find an area that interests you and it will be amazingly easy to learn. Head for the bookstore; go online and check out popular foodie sites like and; or start a neighborhood gourmet club.
If you’re really serious about becoming an amazing cook, sharpen up your skills (and your mandoline blades) and sign up for one or a series of classes. Cooking classes also can be found at Kings Food Markets, Whole Foods Market, and Classic Thyme Cooking School in Westfield where chef/owner David P. Martone offers classes in a Tuscan-style cottage environment. Another option is to sign-up with a meal-delivery service like Blue Apron and Plated. Just open the box, follow the recipe card and you’re good to go!
Accomplish the Amazing in Your Apron
Chin up. This isn’t rocket science. Even if the last stove you stood over was an Easy Bake Oven, there are lots of reasons to improve your cooking skills.
1. Eating in is less expensive than eating out—in fact, it’s often less than half the price. And all that money you’ll save on restaurant food and gratuities can be put to better use, i.e., that amazing pair of shoes you’ve been dreaming of.
2. Cooking for yourself is less stressful because you don’t have to get in the car and forage for food. It’s easier to stay home and eat in your jammies.
3. It’s healthier to prepare your own meals from fresh, natural ingredients. And it’s easier to limit salt, fat and sugar—and control your portion sizes.
4. Making nutritious and delicious meals in your own home sets a good example, encourages sensible eating habits, and might even inspire your husband and children to join in the fun.
5. After you master a recipe, you can prepare it in bulk, freeze half, and save a lot of time and effort. Once your culinary skills soar to dazzling new heights, your ego will bask in rave reviews from all who relish your cuisine. And that can be just as therapeutic as a new pair of gorgeous Manolos. Bon appetit!
Julia Child says:
- “The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.”
- “In France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport.”
- “Cooking is not a chore, it is a joy. Dining is not a fuel stop, it is recreation.”
- “Life itself is the proper binge.”