Author: Sophia Ahn
Masterpiece Mausoleum: Exploring North Arlington’s Modern Marvel
November 27, 2013
The mausoleum at North Arlington’s Holy Cross Cemetery, nearing its 35th and final year of construction and expansion, is expected to be the largest Catholic mausoleum in the nation upon completion.
Seen in: Arts & Entertainment, Jersey Living
Family Business Awards Finalists: Revenue Over $10 Million
November 18, 2013
The finalists in our family business awards with a revenue over $10 million.
Seen in: Jersey Living
Fairy Tale, Interrupted
November 5, 2013
"The Trouble With Being a Duke" by West Milford author Sophie Barnes is set in 19th-century England and revolves around Isabella Chilcott, a seamstress who seeks adventure at a masquerade ball.
Seen in: Books, Jersey Living
Seeds of Hope: Friend to the Four-Legged
August 22, 2013
Ken McKeel, a tough, retired state corrections officer, says he gets a “warm fuzzy feeling” from helping dogs through the Monmouth County Society of Cruelty to Animals.
Seen in: Animals, Giving Back, Jersey Celebrities, Jersey Living
The 10-episode series, premiering on the Pivot network on September 14, depicts two unconventional Newark households.
Seen in: Jersey Living
Suburban Life, Torn Asunder
July 19, 2013
In the Hoboken author's latest novel, a suburban community is torn asunder by a 12-year-old's disappearance during the Red Scare 1950s.
Seen in: Books, Jersey Living
Primary Primer
July 18, 2013
New Jerseyans go the polls October 16 in a special election to fill the Senate seat of Frank Lautenberg, who died June 3. First, we must choose among four Democrats and two Republicans in the August 13 primaries.
Seen in: Jersey Living, Politics & Public Affairs
Art Meets Adventure in Wildwood
July 11, 2013
Morey’s Piers welcomes an artist village of shipping containers.
Seen in: From the Editors
Bonchon Chicken
July 1, 2013
Modern Korean chain eatery that serves soy garlic and hot sauce chicken, along with a variety of sides.
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Montclair’s “Spy House” Awaits a Buyer
June 12, 2013
Is $444,900 too steep a price for a modest, Montclair home with a bizarre pedigree? That seems to be the market reaction to the unremarkable residence that, until 2010, was the base of operations for a now-infamous pair of Russian spies.
Seen in: From the Editors