A Night of Journaling with Dr. Hava

Unlock the power of self-reflection, self-expression, and self-discovery in our Guided Journaling Workshop. This interactive and transformative workshop is designed to help you tap into your inner thoughts, emotions, and creativity through the art of journaling. Whether you’re new to journaling or an experienced writer, this workshop empowers you to connect with your inner self, gain clarity on your aspirations, and develop journaling as a lifelong practice. By the end of this Guided Journaling Workshop, you will feel more connected with a deeper understanding of your inner self and those surrounding you. BYOJ, Please bring along a journal and pen. Tea and light refreshments will be provided.

About Dr. Hava
Dr. Hava Rose inspires comfort and ease within the scope of whole being and wellness. With over 10 years of experience in chiropractic medicine and over 5 years leading workshops and retreats, Hava approaches total well-being creatively by inspiring people’s highest potential through journaling, mindfulness, and communal connection. These spaces imbue alchemical transformations that allow humans, teams, and leaders to discover deeper connections to themselves and empowerment through their communities.

Hava merges physical, emotional, and mental applications in her spaces to bring together a whole-scale approach to wellness, which allows those attending to leave feeling more connected to themselves and those surrounding them.


Learn More: www.drhavarose.com
Instagrams: @hava.rose, @thewriteecho

Price: $44 + processing fee

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