A Lovely Day for Democracy

Have you voted yet?  I hit the polls this morning and was amazed at how long the lines stretched -- but there's something very satisfying about that. To speed up the process, make sure to have ID with you (just in case) and study your sample ballot carefully, so you don't waste extra time while in the voting booth (those in line behind you will appreciate it!).  And here are some resources for you NJ voters.  Use them if you need them, and then get out to the polls and VOTE!

The Star-Ledger has a fantastic voter guide for every ballot in the state, so you can know something about all of the names in the voting booth, not just those in the presidential column.

And the New Jersey ballot questions are deciphered here.

For more specifics about the two major presidential candidates for those of you who are still undecided, a thorough issue-by-issue comparison is provided by the New York Times.

Vote411.org gives you your polling place when you type in your address.

The website for the New Jersey Division of Elections has answers to all of your voting eligibility questions.

RealClearPolitics.org has all of the latest election news.

And for a little levity in this hyped-up political season, just remember… you can vote however you like.

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