Back From Fishin’

I mean "fishin'" figuratively, in that the only thing I cast was a credit card, but I did eat a lot of seafood during my four days in Maine. If you're up in Kennebunkport...

…I highly recommend Nunan’s Lobster Hut, which on the map seems to be in Cape Porpoise, but the restaurant menu says Kennebunkport. (It’s a tossup which name is more colorful, but everybody’s heard of Kennebunkport.)

Nothing is more colorful than the awning and paint job on the front of the restaurant, which you see here.

I thought we’d be ordering steamed whole lobsters everywhere we went, but my wife and I succumbed to efficiency and value–that is, to the cut-to-the-chase lobster roll, which is a hot dog bun (more on that in a moment) stuffed with fresh lobster meat, overflowing in bite-size chunks. Simple, and simply delicious.

I had lots of lobster rolls at different places. Wherever you go there seem to be only two variables. Some mix a bit of mayonnaise into the meat, others give you a packet of mayo on the side. I came to prefer the naked roll.

The other variable is the bun. The better lobster rolls were served on toasted, square-sided buns (the kind Howard Johnson’s used to use for its hot dogs, or maybe they still do). The best buttered the roll before toasting it on the griddle. That’s what Nunan’s does.

One place served its roll on a plain, untoasted hot dog roll. Lame.

But fresher, sweeter lobster meat you won’t find anywhere.

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