Roscoe: Up Close And Personal

Unofficial staff mascot and summer intern Roscoe J. Cat is ready for his close up. Keep an eye peeled for him over the next couple of weeks in Editor's Picks.

Most common question about Roscoe: What’s with his ears?

He’s a Scottish Fold, a breed similar to an English shorthair but lacking a fold in the ear cartilage, making the ears lie flat against the head. So he looks like an owl or a munchkin.

In cat parlance his shade of gray is known as blue.

He’s 15 years old.

He communicates through a variety of rising or falling gurgly closed mouth sounds, plus conventional meows, which sound like "Wow"  or "Waa."

Translation is easy. Everything he says means ‘rub my neck’ or ‘feed me, but not the same stuff you fed me last time. I’m bored with that.’

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